Do you finish before your partner even starts to feel the pleasure? Experiencing orgasm before intercourse can also be considered Premature Ejaculation. 

how to increase ejaculation time without medicines

Ejaculation is the normal discharge of semen from the male reproductive system. You may feel the ooze when you reach orgasm. It is pleasurable until it happens constantly. It is a common problem among men. Whether there is not a fixed time for when you should ejaculate during sex, this might be the reason for dissatisfaction in your relationship. It could be the reason you find it hard to hold or lose your erection before your partner gets enough time to enjoy it.

 Some Factors That You Need To Be Concerned of

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Performance anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Relationship problems 

You don’t need to be embarrassed if it happens occasionally. But it can be frustrating if this becomes a habit in bed. According to research, 1 out of 3 men deal with the same problem. This may lower the level of sexual satisfaction in both of you. This may result in No Sex at all. But there are remedies and exercises to help you dodge this issue. Moreover, there are ayurvedic medications available for all common male sex problems.

So, how to increase ejaculation time without medicines

There is no direct method or any particular medicine to overcome this issue, although research says that 95% of men are cured with the help of behavioral techniques.

There are some methods used by doctors who specialize in premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi. You can try them during sex if you want to know how to increase ejaculation time without medicines

The Stop-Start Method

the stop-start method

This method is popular for premature ejaculation treatment. This may help to stop the stimulation in the penis and redirect your sensation to reach climax. 

You can ask your partner to stimulate your penis to help you orgasm. Stop when you feel the climax on the door until you feel it’s gone. This would stop the arousal and prevent you from cummings. Repeat this process three times and ejaculate on the fourth one.

You may identify the sensations that eventuate just before the climax and help you control your release.

The Squeeze Technique

This technique is also helpful in controlling ejaculation physically. In this approach, you or your partner may arouse the penis until you’re about to cum. Then squeeze the head of the penis until the erection departs. If you notice, it’s somehow similar to the start and stop method, except you squeeze your shaft to lose erection rather than stopping arousing at all. Consider doing it several times before ejaculating.

Strengthen Your Muscles

strengthen your muscles

Exercising is one of the best answers to the question, “how to increase ejaculation time without medicines.” Sometimes our unhealthy body contributes to our critical issues. Weak pelvic floor muscles may help to cause premature ejaculation. 

If you want to know how to increase your ejaculation time, exercising is an excellent way to go. According to research, following pelvic floor exercises for 12 weeks comes to aid in controlling ejaculatory muscles to prevent premature ejaculation. This is how to train the reflexes indulged in ejaculation, possibly increasing the time to reach orgasm.

Kegel exercises can also help strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles. These are the same muscles that function in stopping the urine flow.

To do these exercises, You can lay down or sit in a position that doesn’t pressurize the perineum area. It is the space between the anus and the scrotum in males. Find the right muscle by cutting off the urine flow in the middle while urinating. When you feel the lift in the muscles, hold it stiff for about 3-5 seconds, then release it simultaneously. Continuously repeat this cycle ten times per session. You can do these exercises 2-3 times a day.

Wear a Condom

wear a condom

Thinner condoms are known for increasing erotic sensations during sexual activities. This promoted the idea to produce thicker condoms for preventing premature ejaculation. Sex with condoms feels less intimate. It may lessen the sensations by resisting direct contact and help you increase the time to reach climax. It can cure your issue to stay longer by making it less sensitive to your manhood.


You can delay your ejaculation by masturbating few hours before attending the sex act. Working on yourself before working together can help you stay longer during intercourse. This approach helps you to control your need to release during penetration. Discharging before you get busy can reduce your urgency for orgasm for sure.

Dietary Changes

dietary changes

Change your diet plans according to your night plans. This suggestion comes directly from the best doctors for Premature ejaculation treatment. Your plate can play a role in your sexual health.

According to research, including zinc and magnesium in your diet can improve your ejaculation time during intercourse. Foods containing these are:

  • Beef and lamb
  • Kidney beans
  • Garlic
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Wheat gram cereal
  • Dark chocolate
  • Oysters
  • Sesame seeds
  • Almonds
  • Chickpeas
  • Soybeans
  • Yogurt
  • Spinach

Premature ejaculation is not unusual. It is common in many people which can be controlled by using several methods. If it is becoming an issue for you, you must consult a doctor for medical treatment. Last but not least, you can treat premature ejaculation with Ayurveda.