Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man ejaculates before letting his female sex partner reach her orgasm. A man suffering from a weak erection issue feels his self-respect and ego hurted in this situation. 

Moreover, both male and female partners remain deprived of enjoying sex. All men desire to perform sex the whole night with their love. This is the most natural desire of every woman also. This is why every man wants to have tremendous long-lasting power on the bed. In present times premature ejaculation has become a widespread problem of men across the world. This problem has been vexing men from ancient times. 

However, weak erection is one of the common issues and many sexologists have proven that male sexual problems treatment is possible. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc.; going through these problems can be the cause of erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, weak erection treatments are available to cure such sexual disorders of the root. A man suffers from premature ejaculation due to several reasons. The reasons revolve around an unhealthy diet, an imbalanced lifestyle, and a few physical factors. 

Remedies for Weak Erection Treatment

remedy for weak erection

Some home remedies are pretty helpful for erectile dysfunction and can be cured, and most of them are usually done using natural ingredients such as fruits, oil, etc. It is often referred to as how to cure premature ejaculation naturally.

  • Asparagus and Milk– A combination of Vitamins A, B3, and C, which works together to increase blood flow to erectile tissue. It is one of the best and easy homemade remedies for weak erection treatment.
  • Cinnamon– Very few people are aware of the fact that cinnamon bark can cure menstrual cramps, common cold, diarrhoea, and premature ejaculation. For the men’s erectile dysfunction problem and to cure it naturally, it is recommended to have organic cinnamon powder and with water. The healing elements of the cinnamon coat have properties which helps it to degrade flatulence. 
  • Banana– A perfect fruit for impotence problems. One accounts that the male organs of our ancestors, the ones that looked or had the shape of bananas, were the ones whose owners could enjoy sex for an extended period without having to bother about premature discharge.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction

An intake of Ayurvedic Medicine for erectile dysfunction is also used for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems. A consultation with the best sexologist in Delhi can help you have the ayurvedic medicines to cure premature ejaculation and other such sexual disorders naturally. After all, an expert is the one who can give you the right guidance towards everything. 

Treatment Through Acupressure

One form of acupressure is reflexology, which proposes that our whole body is represented on our hands and feet. When we put steady pressure or massage corresponding areas of organs on our hands or feet, corresponding organs respond, obstructions in these organs are removed, and diseases get cured. But in reflexology, one has to be aware of various areas or regions of hands and feet that correspond to different organs, which correspond to sex organs and are helpful in the weak erection treatment.

Yoga Poses and Exercises

yoga pose

By strengthening your muscles, you will be able to have a better erectile function and perform for longer durations and increase blood flow to erectile tissues

Some physical exercises target explicitly the muscles involved in the process of an erection and strengthen them. 


More or less, connecting with a professional sexologist in Delhi is the key to cure your sex-related issues. After all, every man wants to recognize a more significant percentage of the race has premature ejaculation problems. So, you are not alone. What will make you stand out is your ability to be open when needed, courteous and receptive to everything that has to do with the issues. It can be preserved, and it will be healed.