Lots of men who have premature ejaculation mistakenly believe that they are suffering from a medical condition so there’s nothing they can actually do to treat the issue. However, the reality is something else.

Keep in mind that there is nothing awkward or strange in asking for help in these matters. It’s no different from practicing anything else you are not good at.

So here are the three best exercises that can help with your premature ejaculation problem:

Breathing Exercise

Breathing properly is one of the best premature ejaculation treatments in Ayurveda for keeping your body in balance and your mind focused appropriately before or during sex.
Using these breathing techniques, you will learn to breathe through your diaphragm rather than your chest.

It is important that you do not strain your pelvic muscles while you are practicing your breathing technique. Many guys do this without even realizing it, but if you get into the habit of breathing with the proper form and concentration, it will become habitual.

Kegels exercise

Kegels are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Furthermore, you will find a plethora of articles online prescribing kegel exercises for the treatment of premature ejaculation. However, before you begin, make sure you complete your research since, if performed improperly, typical Kegels exercises might actually cause your premature ejaculation to become worse.

You can also look for alternative premature ejaculation treatments if you don’t figure out a way to do Kegels exercises. Ayurveda for premature ejaculation serves as quite a beneficial treatment.

Sexual Focus Training

Premature ejaculation treatment in Ayurveda principles is built on the foundation of sexual focus, which is something that can be learned and improved via training and experience.

There are two types of concentration exercises that may be used to assist you to avoid ejaculating prematurely.
Sensory Focus

The greatest method to stay in bed for a longer period of time is to avoid distracting yourself by focusing on something else. It is necessary to pay close attention to the significant other and everything your body is perceiving at the time. Getting used to this will take some time and practice, but it is not hard to make the change.

It is a little more difficult to maintain an internal focus, but it may be improved via specific exercises and training sessions. The objective is to first achieve a state of consciousness in which you are in complete control of your internal muscles. You will reach a stage where you can keep these muscles calm and under control on your own without thinking about it too much.


If you can spare a few minutes every day to focus on all these premature ejaculation activities, it will be habitual in no days. Moreover, there are several other ayurvedic treatments for erectile dysfunction that can help you. Make sure you check with the best ayurvedic sexologist in Delhi before going for treatment.